Feb 24, 2013

A Top Notch Afternoon at Top Chef Cooking Studio

Located in Jumeirah 1, conveniently on Beach Road neighboring the Biker Cafe, is Top Chef Cooking Studio.  They offer cooking classes for adults & children, private culinary events & birthday parties as well as corporate team events.

Not only is the gorgeous venue aesthetically pleasing to the eye, but it is equipped with state of the art facilities and is decorated with the utmost attention to detail, including unique finishings and quirky interior touches. Everything is designed to create a high quality and intimate setting that will turn every event into a memorable experience.

French Chef Hadrien Villedieu, is a character indeed, his sense of humor and passionate "french" ways make the experience even more interesting.  He graduated from the Ecole Superieure de Cuisine Francaise, and trained with renowned Chefs such as Joel Robuchon, Jean-Pierre Vigato and Alain Passard.  He really takes the lead during his workshops and teaches professional techniques during the interactive sessions.
On this particular afternoon we were invited in to learn a quick, easy, and delicious recipe created by Chef Hadrien just for the event.  It was a Pan Fried Tuna Steak crusted with Black and White Sesame Seeds paired with a Carrot and Orange Puree, and finished with an Orange infused Argon oil and Rocket. It was just a couple of simple steps, which got our whole group involved, and resulted in an excellent team building exercise.  We were in groups of six, and each given a station to work with, from pealing the carrots to slicing the tuna steak, Chef made sure we all played a part in the construction of our soon to be lunch.

Every part of the preparation was methodically planned, and well executed.  The Top Chef Cooking School have the formula for not only a successful event, but a great way to learn and share those memorable experiences with friends or even make new ones!  My friend Layne and I in action here, slicing up the perfectly seared tuna, against the grain as Chef Hadrien so elegantly taught us. 
 Pretty much every chef I know is a fan of the "smear".  This technique requires an artistic twist of the wrist to create an elongated display of the sauce or puree on the display dish.  It takes the plating from a simple home-made creation to professional one in a clean swoop.  

Since we have moved on to the plating, it meant we were getting closer to enjoying this delicious meal.  Not only were the colors bright, but the aroma and energy in the cooking studio brought smiles and cheer to everyone's faces as we enjoyed learning the step by step process to creating this culinary masterpiece.
 The final dish! We thoroughly enjoyed the artistic and straightforward approach at the design and execution of this meal. Chef Hadrien and his team at Top Chef Cooking School not only put on a thoroughly enjoyable show, but create a magical environment from which you can actually absorb and retain all this foodie knowledge to share with your friends and  loved ones. 
Of course Chef Hadrien is an advocate of all things French, and we could not have a meal without enjoying a delicious Valrhona chocolate dessert! Valrhona chocolate is a product well known to chocolate lovers and chefs all over the world.  Most chefs prefer to use this high grade product as it elevates the taste of your average dessert to the next level. Using some very basic ingredients, paired with this gourmet delicacy we were able to enjoy a restaurant quality chocolate fondant made by our own hands! 
 The Fondant cooked for just under ten minutes, and we were given a top tip from Chef Hadrien on how to achieve that melty chocolate center.  Wouldn't you know, he actually bakes the cake with 3 whole Valrohona Chocolate disks, which alters the cooking temperature in the center of the cake and gives you that velvety texture you desire from this ever popular dessert. 
In true french country fashion, we all sat down to enjoy our meal family style.  We plated our own dishes in the kitchen and made our way to the long banquet table set with fresh juices, waters, and bread. It was the perfect end to a perfect day, and we cooked, laughed, ate, and enjoyed a well rounded experience at this one of a kind venue. This is a great way to pass time if your looking for alternatives to an evening out or an afternoon of friendly bonding.  After all, they do say preparing a meal is a labor of love, so why not share the love at a Top Chef Cooking Class. 

For more information please check out the website: http://www.topchefdubai.com/


  1. نعلم كم تديرين مهاماً شاقة، ونعلم أيضاً كم هو صعب أن تجدي من بوسعكِ الاعتماد عليه في اللحظات الحرجة. لا تكوني بمفردكِ أبداً، بعد اليوم، بل اعتمدي على إحدى جليسات الأطفال لدينا.

    احصلي على بعض الراحة

    نعلم كم هي قطر شاقة؛ مواعيد تلغى والتزامات عملية جديدة تظهر وخطط غير متوقعة تطفو على السطح. لأجل هذا تمدّك “ماتك” من افضل شركات تنظيف في قطر بخدمتها الجديدة لمجالسة الأطفال. إنها الخيار الأمثل حين تعمّ الفوضى البيت وحين يفتقر الأطفال لجدول فعاليات محدد. بمجرد كبسة زرّ، ستكونين قادرة على الاستعانة بأحد مكاتب الخدم في قطر ، والمختصين بمجالسة أطفالك وتنظيف الفوضى التي يخلّفونها. نتحرّى أعلى معايير رعاية الأطفال؛ رغبة منا بتخليص الأهل من قلقهم وضغوطاتهم حين يتركون بين أيدينا منازلهم وأطفالهم. ستجدين لدينا المتابعة الحثيثة لأطفالك وفي الوقت ذاته الترويح عنهم، بغضّ النظر عن الفئة العمرية التي يمثلونها.

    أبقِها لدى العائلة
    إن كانت لديكِ اقتراحات معينة بشأن تزجية وقت أطفالك، فلا تترددي بإخبار مكتب خدم في قطر لجلب لك جليسة الأطفال، فيما يتعلق بوقت النوم أو وقت التلفاز على سبيل المثال. سنضمن سيرورة الأمر وفقاً لأسس تربية الأطفال. دعينا نساعدكِ على التخلص من بعض القلق، الذي بدوره سيجعل أطفالك سعداء. بيتكِ سيكون نظيفاً، وسنقوم بغسيل الملابس، وستجني عائلتكِ جميعها النتائج. ستلحظين مقدار نظافة البيت والاهتمام بأطفالك، من خلال جليسات الأطفال المختارات بعناية. احصلي على الوقت الذي تحتاجينه خارج المنزل، وكوني على ثقة أن شيئاً لا يستدعي القلق.

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